Chapter 10: Frustration is okay!
One day my Professor asked the class to write an HTML document. He gave us each a set of instructions on how to create a simple HTML document, and we parted with all the "good luck's" he could bestow. Sitting in my chair and reading these instructions, I cam to a few realizations. First realization that I had was how pleased I was with myself for taking the initiative to learn HTML and CSS coding before taking his class. That was quickly followed up with how lucky I felt that I took those classes. As I wrote down my HTML coding, following the instructions as best I could, I realized how long it has been since I wrote simplified coding without the typical sweat inducing external CSS coding page following suit. Lastly, I realized how some of the instructions would be confusing for someone who did not know coding, and how frustrating it could be for an individual who did not understand, or struggled, with coding.
As I wrote up my HTML coding, I realized all these things at once. Though the code was relatively easy to follow given my educational background, I actually stumbled a bit when attempting to add an image. It had been so long since I wrote simple code, I had actually forgot to write a simple <img src> input using URL, to which I became frustrated. Here I am, with junior level experience in writing code, struggling to write this coding. That was when all those feelings came to me, and made me realize how frustrating it can be for an innovator.
Image for a moment that you the innovator is working on your creation, a creation that you carefully (and responsibly!) planned out to the very last period. You are so excited to bring your innovation to the public because you know how it could greatly benefit people. As you are working, you hit snag after snag, set back after set back, and you are ready to rip out every last hair on your head.
This is the moment where I want to remind you, maybe as the nagging voice in the back of your head, that its okay to be frustrated! Frustration is a normal part of the innovation process, and even though it feels terrible in the moment, I want you to recognize the worth in frustration.
As I sat in my chair, working on the HTML homework that my Professor gave me and experiencing all those feelings, I see now that it has lead me to a great end. What's the ending you say? The ending is now, with me writing this blog post. I was lucky that I was able to finish my homework with general ease, but it taught me a lesson along the way. Sometimes life is easy, and sometimes life is hard. We are going to be pleased, happy, content, mad, and frustrated as we experience life's moments. Sometimes separately, and sometimes all at once! Even when we get frustrated, or upset that our innovation didn't end the way we want it to, we must find the meaning behind the moment. Find comfort in knowing that frustration, and emotions in general, are perfectly okay.
Even if the ending isn't what you wanted, the experience and knowledge you learn during the moment can bring benefits that you never thought of before. Remember this the next time you feel frustrated, and turn that negative moment into a powerful one.
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