Chapter 10: Frustration is okay!
One day my Professor asked the class to write an HTML document. He gave us each a set of instructions on how to create a simple HTML document, and we parted with all the "good luck's" he could bestow. Sitting in my chair and reading these instructions, I cam to a few realizations. First realization that I had was how pleased I was with myself for taking the initiative to learn HTML and CSS coding before taking his class. That was quickly followed up with how lucky I felt that I took those classes. As I wrote down my HTML coding, following the instructions as best I could, I realized how long it has been since I wrote simplified coding without the typical sweat inducing external CSS coding page following suit. Lastly, I realized how some of the instructions would be confusing for someone who did not know coding, and how frustrating it could be for an individual who did not understand, or struggled, with coding. As I wrote up my HTML coding, I realized all these things at o...